Huitong is a seamless steel factory. So, what is the seamless steel? Seamless steel is a unique form of steel that does not contain seams or joints. That translates into no voids or weaknesses in the steel, making it incredibly solid and extremely resilient. The unique quality of seamless steel makes it an ideal choice for a very large number of applications.
High-pressure and high-temperature applications often call for the use of seamless steel, making it an ideal option for a broad range of industrials. This implies it can be employed in harsh situations in which various other products might stop working. Businesses involved in oil and gas, chemical processing and power generation use seamless steel products in their processes. They know these products run hotspot and will be finely a long– haul even in more challenging environments.
Başka bir faydası dikişsiz boru is in the construction. It is used to construct various significant structures including buildings, bridges, and infrastructure. These structures have to be sturdy as they need it to hold the weight and also bear with the weather conditions. Seamless steel does this perfectly considering, it is durable and can last for decades.
Seamless steel pipes are also commonly used for heating and plumbing systems in buildings. These pipes are essential for transmitting water and heat all around the building. The biggest advantage of seamless steel pipe is that it is not easy to rust and wear for a long time. This is worthwhile because that allows them to continue functioning optimally for years and hence not require replacement.
With many usages in numerous products, Seamless steel is well suited for the future. This is what lend it a versatility where it can be adjusted according to various needs and different industries. Even better, it's good for the Earth. The beautiful strength of seamless steel is that it can be recycled and reused infinitely, without any loss in tensile strength. Factory recycling is a major advantage because it reduces waste and saves our environment.
This goes to show how seamless steel is essential in many territories today. It is used in automobiles land for parts such as exhaust systems and mufflers. These components are critical parts that allow cars to run efficiently and smoothly. Seamless steel is also used to manufacture machines and tools that assist in the manufacturing process.
Additionally, seamless steel are also used in the medical field for various surgical instruments. Much of this will be based on the accuracy and reliability, with surgical robots needing to be as reliable and robust as possible. Seamless steel is widely used for these applications due to its strength and durability.
Shandong Huitong Group tarafından üretilen çelik borular Çin, Hindistan, Tayland, Vietnam, Kore, İran, Türkiye, Brezilya ve Mısır'ı da içeren 100'den fazla ülkede yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Şirket, petrol muhafaza boruları, orta ve yüksek basınçlı buhar kazanı boruları konusunda uzmandır. Hidrolik destek borusu, otomotiv yarım şaft kovanları, sıvı iletimi ve yapısal için en büyük ve en çeşitli dikişsiz çelik boru üreticisidir. Hebei, Shandong ve Henan bölgeleri. Borular. Dört adet son teknoloji soğuk çekilmiş dikişsiz çelik boruya sahiptir. ISO9001 üretim hatları, ISO9001 dört adet sıcak haddelenmiş dikişsiz çelik boru üretim hattı, ISO14001 ve ISO45001 dahil olmak üzere bir dizi uluslararası sertifika elde ettik ve ayrıca prestijli sertifikalar ve 30 adet hassas haddeleme ünitesi kazandık. API ve BBV'nin toplam üretim kapasitesi 850,000'dir. Çeşitli özellikler ve malzemeler ile çeşitli ulusal tonlarda dikişsiz çelik boruların ve standartlarının revizyonuna katkıda bulunduk. Ayrıca ham maddelerden nihai ürünlere kadar her aşamayı denetleyen kapsamlı bir kalite kontrol ve inceleme süreci oluşturduk. Üretim ürünlerimiz güç, petrol kapasitesi, kalite ve hizmet standartları pazardaki en yüksek standartlar arasında yer alan her türlü endüstriye hizmet vermektedir. Üretim, kimya, kömür, makine, savunma, havacılık, denizcilik ve.
Shandong'da bulunan Huitong Group kalite kontrol merkezi, algılama için en gelişmiş teknolojik aletleri ve en yüksek kalitede yüksek kaliteli kontrolörleri kurmuştur. Burada, 80Mpa Hidrostatik Basınç Test Tesisi, Ultrasonik kusur algılama, akım çatlak dedektörü, optik emisyon spektroskopisi, üniversal test makineleri, Endüstrideki en iyi dereceli şirket tarafından işgal edilmiştir. ISO9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 gibi çeşitli uluslararası akreditasyonlar aldık ve ayrıca APl ve BV tarafından prestijli sertifikalar aldık. Ulusal standartların revizyonuna yardımcı olduk ve hammaddelerden nihai ürünlere kadar üretimin tüm aşamalarını denetleyen bir kalite kontrol sistemi geliştirdik. Üretim, kalite ve hizmet standartları kapasitemiz, alandaki en yüksekler arasındadır.
Founded in 2003, Shandong Huitong Group now boasts an asset base of over 3 billion RMB as well as an employee base of more than 1,000 employees, and spans more than 1,300 acres. The group encompasses over ten subsidiaries,including Shandong Huitong Industrial Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shandong Haixinda Petroleum Machinery Co.,Ltd, Shandong Huitong Metal Materials Market Co., Ltd., Shandong Zhitong E-commerce Park Management Co., Ltd., and Huitong Microfinance Co., Ltd. As a large-scale modern enterprise, Huitong Group specializes in industrial manufacturing, e-commerce, financial investment and guarantees, market operations and management, metal inspection and testing, logistics and distribution, and entrepreneurial innovation services.The company provide over a thousand different specifications, making it the largest and most diversified seamless steel pipe manufacturer in the Hebei, Shandong, and Henan regions.
Telif Hakkı © Shandong Huitong Endüstriyel Üretim A.Ş. Tüm Hakları Saklıdır Gizlilik Politikası